If you’re serious about transforming your client’s lives, the key lies in sharpening your coaching skills. Many Group X Certifications mention that superior communication skills are one of the key aspects to not only delivering an exceptional immersive class but also fostering positive connections and brand trust with your clients.
However, they don’t spend very much time teaching you HOW to do that.
Probably because mastering coaching, cueing, and communication skills is a complex, multi-layered process that could be an entire course on its own! That's why I created a course called The Art of Coaching and Cueing for Group X Instructors because I wanted easy, accessible, and fully comprehensive training to help instructors create a better experience for and deeper connection with their clients.
But you don't need an entire course to make a deeper impact right now. I've got three simple ways you can level up your coaching instantly.
So let’s get into it.
Step 1: Create More Space
You gotta get comfortable with silence and allow your clients the space to be in contact with themselves during the workout, allowing them to connect with the music, relate to the movement, and process their own inner thoughts and sensations. Most people spend so much time running from discomfort and are completely out of touch with the messages their bodies are sending them. Here’s how you can do it:
Succinct Cueing. Sounds easy, right? It’s not. It takes some time to get really good at narrowing all of the beautiful and important things you could say into a few simple and direct words. But you can do it!
Ask yourself - What is the most important thing you need to say to get people moving? And then — zip it! I know it can feel uncomfortable. Or like you aren’t giving them EVERYTHING they need to hear. Trust me. Better yet… trust yourself and your people. They can and will be successful with less explaining and more doing and feeling.
Use the silence to connect with them energetically and observe.
Continue to only give them cues they need to hear to keep going, correct form, or perform better.
Step 2: Ask Better Questions
Instead of only shouting, “How ya doing team?!” and getting an obligatory “Woo” from said team, that really doesn’t mean very much. Get specific. Guide and direct your team to give the response that you want and give you REAL cues as to how they’re doing. Some examples are:
“Can you feel this in your >insert body part<? Gimme a >insert the response you’d like to hear<!”
"Towels (or arms) up if you’re feeling breathless right now!"
Ask for a direct call and response: “When I say >this< you say >that<” (For example, “When I say Ay, you say Ohh”)
Keep it simple: "If you’re feeling strong, say, 'Ha'”
"I’m going to count you out of the last 10 seconds. When I get to 5, count down with me." This one sparks a little collective joy.
Or simply ask open-ended questions that your clients can explore in those moments of silence.
What if you …
Can you allow yourself to …
Can you find …
Step 3: Give Specific and Personalized Feedback
Rather than handing out generic praises like “Good job, everybody” and “Beautiful work, Sue!” Use my three P's, praise, push, or perfect, to provide support to individuals in the group. You can use one or some combination of the three. Some examples are:
Praise: “Judy, I see you rocking that plank, excellent form.”
Praise, Push: “John, you’re making those pushups look too easy! Try lifting one leg.”
Praise: “Sally, I love the power you’re putting into that overhead press.”
Praise, Push, Support: “Susie, I didn’t even know you could sprint that fast. Keep it up. You are crushing it!!”
Praise, Support: “Fred, that is an excellent choice. You’re looking strong. Keep your focus on your alignment.”
Praise, Push: “Frank, your lunges look strong. What happens if you drop one inch lower on the way down?”
Praise, Support: “Angie, I see your effort. Don’t be afraid to slow down and work on your range.”
What all of this comes down to is observation and specificity. And you can only do that if you lean into step one and create the space to get specific and observe. People want to feel seen, and they love it when they feel smart, successful, safe, and in control of their experience.
Achieving consistently sold-out, waitlisted classes isn’t easy, which is why I created an email series called ‘7 Steps To Sold Out Classes,” where I’ll teach you how to turn your workouts into unforgettable, addicting experiences your clients can’t wait to come back to and tell everyone about. FOLLOW THIS LINK and get the first step in your inbox today!
If you found these tips helpful, I wanna hear about it. Comment on this post or reach out to me on Instagram.
Keep changing people’s lives. I'm rooting for you!